Imagine Otherwise podcast
Subscribe to the showImagine Otherwise is a podcast about bridging art, activism, and academia to build more just futures.
Created and hosted by Cathy Hannabach and produced by Ideas on Fire, Imagine Otherwise features interviews with scholars, cultural producers, dancers, editors, artists, and activists who are building new worlds.
Cathy created the show in 2016 to both demonstrate the vibrant public voice that interdisciplinary scholars can have beyond the academy as well as to inspire new generations of thinkers.
Over the past 9 years, episodes have been taught in a wide array of university classrooms, been featured in international art exhibits, and taken Cathy to live tapings at venues as diverse as feminist circus art performances, scholarly conferences, and a culture lab on convergence.
The show’s programming partners have included the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center, the Cultural Studies Association, the Association for Asian American Studies, and more.

Imagine Otherwise: Raven Maragh-Lloyd on Black Networked Resistance
Cathy Hannabach interviews Raven Maragh-Lloyd about Black digital resistance strategies and online social movements.
Imagine Otherwise: Natalie Zervou on Dance in the Age of Austerity
Cathy Hannabach interviews Natalie Zervou about Greek dance communities and arts funding in the wake of the Greek financial crisis.
Imagine Otherwise: Amber Rose González, Felicia ‘Fe’ Montes, & Nadia Zepeda on Mujeres de Maiz
Cathy Hannabach interviews Amber Rose González, Felicia Montes, and Nadia Zepeda about the Indigenous Chicana-led feminist artivist collective Mujeres de Maiz.
Imagine Otherwise: Erin McElroy on Silicon Valley Imperialism
Cathy Hannabach interviews Erin McElroy about the global geographies of Silicon Valley technocapitalism.
Imagine Otherwise: Juan Llamas-Rodriguez on the Visual Politics of Border Tunnels
Cathy Hannabach interviews media scholar Juan Llamas-Rodriguez about how media representations of border tunnels shape immigration policy
Imagine Otherwise: Tamara Kneese on Death in the Digital Platform Age
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews media scholar Tamara Kneese about how digital media platforms shape our experiences of life and death.
Imagine Otherwise: Nicosia Shakes on Black Women’s Activist Theater
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews scholar and artist Nicosia Shakes about Jamaican and South African women’s activist theater.
Imagine Otherwise: Meryl Alper on Autistic Kids’ Digital Media
Host Cathy Hannabach interviews disability media studies scholar Meryl Alper about how autistic kids are harnessing digital technologies.
Imagine Otherwise: Kristie Soares on Joy in Latinx Media
Cathy Hannabach interviews performance artist and gender studies scholar Kristie Soares about political joy in Latinx media.
Imagine Otherwise: Cynthia Franklin on Narrative and Activist Politics
Cathy Hannabach interviews literature professor Cynthia Franklin about the politics of life writing in the context of social justice movements.
Imagine Otherwise: Magdalena L. Barrera and Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales on The Latinx Guide to Graduate School
Cathy Hannabach interviews Magdalena L. Barrera and Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales about helping students navigate academia’s hidden curriculum.
Imagine Otherwise: Katie Walkiewicz on Indigenous and Black Freedom
Cathy Hannabach interviews Katie Walkiewicz about the role of anti-Indigeneity and anti-Blackness in the doctrine of states’ rights.
Imagine Otherwise: Jasmine Nichole Cobb on Haptic Blackness
Cathy Hannabach interview Jasmine Nichole Cobb about the politics of representation and haptic blackness in US visual culture.
Imagine Otherwise: Mairead Sullivan on Lesbian Feminist World-building
Cathy Hannabach interviews women’s and gender studies professor Mairead Sullivan about the histories and futures of lesbian feminism.
Imagine Otherwise: Josen Masangkay Diaz on Postcolonial Configurations
Cathy Hannabach interviews Josen Masangkay Diaz about postcolonial memory, Cold War US–Philippine relations, and Filipino American politics.