Prepping for Altac or Postac Careers in Grad School

Apr 3, 2017Events, News

On April 25, I’m hosting a webinar on prepping for altac or postac careers while in graduate school. Come join us! You can also watch the replay anytime.

Is it possible to use graduate school to train for an alternative academic (altac) or non-academic (postac) career? University departments usually provide professional training for tenure-track professorial careers, but few students end up in those positions. So what about the majority of grad students who are building other lives?

In this free webinar, we’ll discuss how grad students can use their experiences in graduate school to develop the skills, networks, and vision needed to build diverse careers beyond the tenure track.

Dr. Jennifer Polk (Beyond the Professoriate, From PhD to Life) will discuss how she trains clients to think expansively about their goals and expertise, as well as transition out of the academy.

Dr. Alexandra Sastre (Ideas on Fire) will discuss how she developed the skills, experience, and networks she uses everyday in her postac career during her time in graduate school.

If you are currently training for an altac or postac career, you’re becoming curious about what careers are out there, or you work with students doing either we invite you to come learn about how grad students can harness their grad school training to build diverse and meaningful lives beyond the tenure track.

Register now to join us live on Tuesday, April 25, 1–2 pm EST or to access the video any time.

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