Finding the Right Publisher for Your First Book/Tenure Book

Nov 8, 2017Publications

My new article on choosing the right academic publisher, particularly for your first book, is up at Ideas on Fire.

Publishing your first book is both exciting and daunting. It takes a lot of work (and time) to research and write the thing in the first place, not to mention developmentally edit and copyedit it, write the book proposal, incorporate peer reviewer comments, and figure out a marketing strategy to get it into the hands of the audiences you want to reach. Working with the right publisher can make all the difference though. So how do you know which publisher is the best fit for your first book? Here is some guidance on how to identify the presses that can best help your first book to shine.

Read the article at Ideas on Fire

Want to learn more about revising your dissertation into a book?

Check out my webinar teaching you how to finding a new frame for the project, how to identify your audiences and use them to guide the revision process, what needs to be cut and what needs to be added, and how you can construct that strong narrative arc across the project necessary to turn it from a dissertation into a scholarly book.

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