How to Rock Your Dissertation: Writing Routines

Sep 3, 2015Events, News

I’m excited to be headed back to Berkeley next week to lead a workshop for ethnic studies and gender and sexuality studies graduate students on How to Rock Your Dissertation: Writing Routines.

Are you writing your dissertation but not making the daily progress you (or your advisor) would like? Do you love your work, but struggle to keep up with the never-ending deluge of responsibilities while also building community and practicing self care? In this hands-on workshop you’ll develop a personalized and comprehensive Road Map for your projects so you know where you’re headed and how to get there. Additionally, you’ll develop a Daily Writing Plan that allows you to write regularly, meet your goals, and avoid burning out.

This workshop was developed specifically for interdisciplinary, social justice oriented scholars. Come learn the habits and techniques that provide you the spark needed to think, teach, write, and collectively build the world you want.

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